The Power of Instagram Channels and building online communities: Introducing ‘The Business Collective' . . .

Digital platforms have redefined the way we connect, share, learn, and draw inspiration from each other. Among these platforms, Instagram stands out not just as a space for stunning visuals but also as a hub for knowledge exchange, networking, and community building. In light of this, we are absolutely thrilled to announce our brand new Instagram Channel - The Business Collective. This initiative is a brainchild of a collaboration between The Visual Collective, your go-to for all things graphic and web design, and Chelsea from The Business Edit, our incredible Business Bestie behind all things social media and systems.

Why Instagram Channels? Why now?

Instagram channels, with their segmented and specialised focus, allow businesses and entrepreneurs to create niche communities joined together by common interests, objectives, or challenges. These communities have become safe spaces for real-time interactions, exchanging expertise, and finding collective solutions.

What's in Store with 'The Business Collective'?

Our channel isn't just another online community that you will never check . . . Hello Facebook Groups (sorry not sorry). No, it's about collective growth, community building, and mutual learning with a side of unfiltered business support. Think about it as your go-to space to have a coffee and catch up with all of your pals in business.

Here's a little taste of what you can expect:

  • Realness and a little bit of WTF in business land: Dive into our unfiltered behind-the-scenes journeys.

  • Live connections: Q&A sessions.

  • Value . . . so much value: Tips, tricks, and trade secrets to help you in your every day.

  • Tech-talk: Deciphering tools and software that can elevate your business processes.

  • Learn from others: Whether you’re a fresh-faced entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, let’s learn from our experiences. Let’s share, learn, and grow.

We've noticed how diverse our family in The Business Collective is. Some of you are well into the established business zone, while others are taking that first brave plunge into entrepreneurship. This blend of experiences, challenges, and little + big wins is what makes our community unmatched in energy and insight.

Your struggles? They're our next content. Marketing, imposter syndrome, time management, sales strategies, or niche defining – let’s get them all out in the open and into our channel discussions. Chelsea and I are all ears, all heart, and all expertise AND most importantly we are here for YOU in business.

In the beautiful chaos that is digital 2023, finding a community that resonates with your aspirations and challenges can be hard to find . . . With The Business Collective, I can guarantee you’ve found it.

Here's to our collective journey of navigating the highs and not-so-highs of business life together through community and collaboration 🚀

Join us, share, and let's make business magic together!


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