Package: Side Hustler

“Bloomed in flutes of Champagne” 🥂
It’s been such a dream working on this branding and website. I’ve always wanted to work with a florist and working with Ty and his family has been a pleasure. This business idea “bloomed” during COVID while everyone was scrambling to find their feet. We first started with the branding including logos, alternate logos, fonts, colour palettes, illustrations and patterns to ensure we had everything we needed to create all the elements for this new business. Then we created a welcome or launching soon page so that we could start collecting an email database asap. Then we moved on to the social media channels, we created an instagram account and designed the logos, templates and bio description to ensure the business would stand out from all the other florists.

Then we moved on to the website which we built on Squarespace and had
Beej from @thegoodhelpco create all the written content with the Magic Words package. The final touches were the professional photography and then we just had to pull it all together in time for Mothers Day! Which we did! Yay.

Package Featured Here: The Side Hustle


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Milk & Honey Sleep Consultant